We asked our employees what they were grateful for this Thanksgiving.

Here are their responses: 

"For everything: health, job, family, and good mental state." 

-Chris Washington, CA Warehouse Manager

"I'm thankful for each and everyday I wake up bless us all." 

- Darren Barr, CA Warehouse Personnel

"My hardworking employees."

- Greg Wiener, CEO

"Health, friends, and family!"

- Isidro Orta, Order Entry/Marketing

"I'm thankful to my Quickscrews family for making this the best company in the world to work for! And all of the unwarranted dating advice."

- Jared Wiener, Executive VP

"Water! Most countries are not as fortunate as we are here in the U.S. We are blessed." 

- Jeanine Ellis, Accounting/Admin

"For keeping my sanity in this crazy world."

- Jermaine Horton, CA Warehouse Personnel

"For having a job and my family and being healthy." 

- Jesus Hernandez, CA Warehouse Personnel

"Being alive."

- Leonard Cummings III, CA Warehouse Personnel

"That at my age, I'm still alive. And thanks to Greg for hiring us old people!"

- Lewis Frucht, SC Warehouse Manager and Old Guy

"Family, life, friends, job, health, and all moments, both good and bad."

- Liliana Orta, CA Warehouse Personnel

"Meeting a woman who said yes many years ago and made me who I am today. And for a special trait I have of never giving up and always being happy to be alive."

- Mark Buechler, Senior IT Manager

"I am thankful for my wife, family, friends, and dog Jelly Bean."

- Mitchell Bialosky, CA Regional Sales

"I am thankful for our customers." 

- Mitch Cunniffe, Purchasing Manager

"My family, job, and friends-- and Marvel movies, good books, and margaritas!"

- Samantha Dalton, Marketing Director

"I'm thankful for being able to come to my job each day." 

- Steve Owens, Operations Manager

"I am most grateful to have had all the friends and family who are no longer with me and most grateful for all that are still here with me today."

- Stu Zins, Senior Sales Specialist