It was over 25 years ago that I started Quickscrews in my garage in San Mateo, California. I was a nail and staple salesman at 29 years old and decided I wasn't cutout to work for others. I was stubborn and strong headed to say the least. I had the gift of gab and could have been a salesmen anywhere. My flaw was I always wanted things to be perfect. I would point out to any supervisor I had exactly what they were doing wrong and why. That often did not sit well with the owners of those companies I worked for. In the summer of 1987 I pulled the trigger left my job and started my own company. I was ready. I built my company. 27 years later I am a completely different person, so is my company as well as the industry.
Today the amount of cabinet shops in the same area has been significantly reduced. Furniture manufacturing in America has decreased 90% since 1987. The current recession (I have been through 3) by far the worst in my time has taken its toll on hundreds if not thousands of small business related or relying on home building. We went through a difficult down period in late 2008 and early 2009 that saw almost half our company revenues disappear overnight. We battled and struggled. We had to let go of 15 good people who had been with us many years. It was the most painful thing I had ever gone through. On top of all that, I lost my father in 2007 and my mother in 2009. Man was I depressed.
Yet, I am invigorated. I am feeling we can accomplish so much more. In spite of our current political insanity, I am sure we will only get better. I have one son living in Taiwan learning both the language and the culture so he can come back home in a year and begin his career towards ultimately taking over my job here at the company; I founded so long ago. My other two sons are still in college but doing great. My wife Deb has held us all together as she takes care of our physical and mental health as a family. I am fortunate. I am blessed.
Now you know the beginning, the ending is yet to be determined.
Greg Wiener, Founder Quickscrews International Corp.